Born To Be Mild

Slow riding across America on a Vespa.

Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 17: Ridgecrest, CA to Long Beach, CA

I woke up early again, ready to knock out the last 175-miles to Long Beach as quick as I could so that my “Vespa Venture” would be a true coast-to-coast ride. About five-miles into the last day’s journey, for the first time in several days, I wasn’t ready for the adventure to end. So, I let off the throttle a bit, sat-up in my seat, felt the wind and sun on my face, and enjoyed the views. It was glorious.

Total Miles Driven - 3,960

Today’s Miles - 185

Friday, June 10th

I woke up early again, ready to knock out the last 175-miles to Long Beach as quick as I could so that my “Vespa Venture” would be a true coast-to-coast ride. About five-miles into the last day’s journey, for the first time in several days, I wasn’t ready for the adventure to end. So, I let off the throttle a bit, sat-up in my seat, felt the wind and sun on my face, and enjoyed the views. It was glorious. 

My plan was to eat a pack of trail mix for breakfast during my first fuel stop. But, wanting to extend the journey, I filled up my 2.1-gallon tank and looked for the most local looking diner as I drove. I ended up finding the Lancaster Grille in Lancaster, California, where I ordered my favorite diner meal of the trip – steak and eggs with extra crispy hash browns and a biscuit with gravy. I took my time to eat and take in the last 16-days. As I was sipping on my coffee, Dust in the Wind by Kansas came on the diner’s radio (Yes, it was a radio.). The song was extremely apposite to the thoughts that were going through my head. It was a cheesy, but cool moment. 

After breakfast, I continued driving south and west, where I came up on the Angeles National Forest. It was a beautiful and fun drive with a lot of twists in the road. I knew I was getting close to Los Angeles when I began seeing numerous supercars (Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Aston Martin) racing through the curves as the drivers tested their car’s performance. The thought that ran through my mind was, “I am going to die with 50-miles to go because some spoiled rich kid got a new car for graduation.”

I didn’t die, and I made it to Long Beach, listening to old school West Coast hip hop as I drove through Compton and other LA neighborhoods to reach the coast. Seeing the Pacific Ocean was epic! It was the fruition of a lot of daydreaming, planning, and execution. It was a sentiment that I doubt I'll ever experience again. That's okay, though because this is a once and a lifetime trip, and I am blessed to have felt it at all. 

I will post a few more blogs in the coming week to answer questions about my gear, cool/interesting facts, and what, if anything, I am taking away from my trip. Furthermore, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has kept up with my venture through this blog and social media. The likes, comments, blog traffic, text messages, calls, etc. were so encouraging, especially during the most discouraging stretches of the trip. Seriously, thank you! If nothing else, it was great reconnecting with so many of you!

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 16: Las Vegas, NV to Ridgecrest, CA

I was on the road before 6:00 a.m. this morning in a race against the desert sun and heat. Today’s 250-mile route took me through the middle of Death Valley National Park – the hottest place on earth.

Total Miles Driven - 3,775

Today’s Miles - 250

Thursday, June 9th

I was on the road before 6:00 a.m. this morning in a race against the desert sun and heat. Today’s 250-mile route took me through the middle of Death Valley National Park – the hottest place on earth. I was able to drive the majority of Death Valley in a pleasant 100 degrees. The geography was absolutely incredible and changed with the elevation. It was very impressive.

I had anticipated a green oasis upon exiting the National Park. However, I simply left the park and continued driving in the desert. Miles and miles of rocky, sandy landscape with brownish bushes dotting the horizon. There was an occasional break in the monotony with a small desert town or a burnt out car on the side of the road. 

Death Valley was the “big hurdle” of the trip. While I have been excited about the challenge, I did not take the trek lightly. I knew I had to be hydrated, rested, and careful in how I drove my Vespa. I had a great sense of relief and accomplishment when I arrived at my hotel by noon. 

Now all that is left is about 175-miles to the coast of California! It’s hard to believe that I will reach my destination tomorrow. It’s been an incredible adventure, but grueling nonetheless. I look forward to seeing the Pacific Ocean. 

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 15: Zion National Park, UT to Las Vegas, NV

Today’s route took me to the fifth National Park in seven days – Zion National Park. As far as riding a Vespa goes, Zion is my best-loved park to drive through so far. The bends through the conservation area were thrilling and narrowly lined with brilliantly colored rock walls.

Total Miles Driven - 3,525

Today’s Miles - 230

Wednesday, June 8th

Today’s route took me to the fifth National Park in seven days – Zion National Park. As far as riding a Vespa goes, Zion is my best-loved park to drive through. The bends through the conservation area  were thrilling and narrowly lined with brilliantly colored rock walls. There were times when I would lean into a curve and feel that I was close to brushing against the face of the rock. It was exhilarating. 

I had breakfast upon exiting the west end of the park at the Spotted Dog Restaurant, a  lovely place with wonderful food. My breakfast of choice this trip has been biscuits and gravy, and the Spotted Dog had some of the best that I’ve had. I mention my breakfast because it was a real boost to my morale after yesterday’s “lonely” day. The trip “seemed right” again as I sipped my cup of black coffee and ate my Southern breakfast cuisine. Maybe there is something to the term, “comfort food.”

The rest of the driving day can be described with two words. Heat. Desert. The Mojave Desert is barren and hostile. I am so intrigued with the people who make this their home. They have a spirit and toughness that I don’t, but I admire. I love cities for their cultural extremes. That is probably why I love NYC so much. I’ve never considered living in a place that had such geographical and temperature extremes. 

I arrived in Las Vegas as the temperature reached 110 degrees. No gambling for me, though. I figure slow riding across America on a Vespa is pushing my luck enough. 

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 14: Salt Lake City, UT to Zion National Park, UT

I had a pleasant ride driving south in Utah towards Zion National Park, taking a little detour to see Bryce Canyon National Park. I am glad that I took the extra time to see the rock spires and brilliant colors of the canyon. The weather was good, but I can feel it getting warmer.

Total Miles Driven - 3,295

Today’s Miles - 310

Tuesday, June 7th

I had a pleasant ride driving south in Utah towards Zion National Park, detouring a little to take in Bryce Canyon National Park. I am glad that I took the extra time to see the rock spires and brilliant colors of the canyon. The weather was good, but I can feel it getting warmer. Furthermore, the scenery is dramatically changing from that of the cooler, wetter North. It is beginning to look more desert like as I drive south. I passed through several “old west” feeling towns with a single pump gas station and general store. The landscape is littered with old cars and machinery. I also passed a lot of horse and cattle ranches.

I ended up finding a roadside motel 25-miles outside of Zion National Park. It is a unique place with its treehouse themed room. There is a big carved out log to get up onto the raised bed, and there were tree branches protruding from the walls. However, it was clean and cheap. 

The trip is beginning to take a physical and mental toll on me. Today’s ride was lonely, and I felt vulnerable in the sense that I was completely at the mercy of my Vespa and nature. If either decided to give me problems, I would be stuck. Physically, my body is tired, and my shoulders are hurting. It's most noticeable when I dismount my Vespa and put it on the center stand. I nearly dropped it a few times. All that to say, I am glad that I am coming up on the end of my trip. I have three more days to go. 

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 13: Grand Teton National Park, WY to Salt Lake City, UT

Today’s route included roads in Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah. I started off in a cold rain driving through Grand Teton National Park. It was a beautiful stretch of road, but I did not stop much because of the weather. I pushed on as I knew warmer and dryer weather was waiting for me about 100-miles south.

Total Miles Driven - 2,985

Today’s Miles - 300

Monday, June 6th

Today’s route included roads in Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah. I started off in a cold rain driving through Grand Teton National Park. It was a beautiful stretch of road, but I did not stop much because of the weather. I pushed on as I knew warmer and dryer weather was waiting for me about 100-miles south. I made a point, though, to stop at one of the iconic locations Ansel Adams photographed (see first pic). It was a bit surreal for me because I was a big Ansel Adams fan in high school.

Idaho was a big surprise. First, embarrassingly, I didn’t realize my route was taking me into Idaho. More so, the stretch of road, called Pioneer Historic Byway, was exhilarating to drive my Vespa on with its twists and turns. The scenery was absolutely picturesque. It is probably my favorite stretch of road so far.

The day ended reconnecting with my friend, Jill, and her daughter, Eloise, over coffee in Utah. I was Jill’s pastor in Ohio, where she helped us start a church. Since then, she has helped start churches in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and San Diego. It was great reminiscing and catching-up with her.

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 12: Yellowstone National Park, WY to Grand Teton National Park, WY

I made it to my planned destination of the Grand Tetons, but was unable to do any real sightseeing because rain settled over the area. It is the cold, soaking rain that won't let up.

Total Miles Driven - 2,685

Today’s Miles - 75

Sunday, June 5th

I made it to my planned destination of the Grand Tetons, but was unable to do any real sightseeing because rain settled over the area. It is the cold, soaking rain that won't let up. So, I checked into my cabin early and began drying out my camping equipment that I packed-up wet this morning. I will continue driving south tomorrow into Utah, hoping to get somewhere close to Salt Lake City.

Today has been one of the more mentally discouraging days of the trip. I am processing why I feel disheartened, but I believe it’s a combination of missing home, a cold, and wet ride, and coming down from the excitement of being in Yellowstone. I hope the next few days supplies better weather, cell phone service, and many miles. Oh, and some good memories because that’s why I am slow riding across America on a Vespa.

Bad day and all, God’s glory through nature still delivered!

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 11: Yellowstone National Park Lower Loop

Today was all about seeing Yellowstone National Park. I drove the Lower Loop to get a glimpse at the more popular sights at the park. It was a cool, gloomy day to be on my Vespa, but I still enjoyed the ride

Total Miles Driven - 2,610

Today’s Miles - 100

Saturday, June 4th

Today was all about seeing Yellowstone National Park. I drove the Lower Loop to get a glimpse at the more popular sights at the park. It was a cool, gloomy day to be on my Vespa, but I still enjoyed the ride. I made it back to camp and talked to some of my neighbors before a soaking rain set in. The rain was a good excuse to eat an early dinner, crawl into my hammock, and watch a movie on my iPad. Though it was cold and rainy, I had one of the best nights sleep of my trip. 

Here are some of the things I saw…

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 10: Cody, WY to Yellowstone National Park, WY

I made it to Yellowstone! I felt a genuine sense of accomplishment when I pulled up to the brown wooden sign with bold white letters stating that I had arrived in “Yellowstone National Park.” I don’t know what it was about making it to Yellowstone that got me emotional. Not only that, but I may or may not have had a few tears rolling down my face.

Total Miles Driven - 2,510

Today’s Miles - 100

Friday, June 3rd

I made it to Yellowstone! I felt a genuine sense of accomplishment when I pulled up to the brown wooden sign with bold white letters stating that I had arrived in “Yellowstone National Park.” I don’t know what it was about making it here that got me emotional. Not only that, but I may or may not have had a few tears rolling down my face. It’s not like I am Lewis and Clark, exploring the great unknown (which was already known by the Native peoples). But, in my own way, I feel like an explorer who is seeing things for the first time.

I will be spending a few cold nights hammock camping in the park. The temperature will be just above freezing both nights. There is a remnant of a ten-inch snow storm from Monday still on the ground. It only adds to the adventurous spirit I am already feeling.

I thought a lot about my wife during my short drive today. It’s not just that I’m away for so long and miss her, but I am experiencing things that I wish I could experience with her. I am thankful that she not only “let” me take on this adventure, but encouraged me to.

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 9: Casper, WY to Cody, WY

Today has been my most relaxing driving day of the trip. I slept in this morning. Had a hardy breakfast at the hotel. Participated in a video work meeting. Then, I drove a short 215 miles in perfect weather closer to Yellowstone National Park. The drive was like being in an old John Wayne Western movie.

Total Miles Driven - 2,410

Today’s Miles - 215

Thursday, June 2nd

Today has been my most relaxed driving day of the trip. I slept in this morning. Had a hardy breakfast at the hotel. Participated in a video work meeting. Then, I drove a short 215-miles in perfect weather closer to Yellowstone National Park. The drive was like being in an old John Wayne Western movie. The kind I use to watch with my Papa when I was a kid with the cowboys, rocky outcrops, reservations, and grassy plains. Needless to say, I thought of him a lot today.

I am inspired by Wyoming’s scenery. It’s breathtaking. I am also inspired by the people of the Cowboy State. They are rugged, self-sufficient, and “rough around the edges” (spoken from a true Wyomingite I met). But, they are also inquisitive and friendly with a small-town feel. It has been such a contrast from Manhattan (a single county) where the population is 1.8 million people in 23 square miles. Compare that to Wyoming (an entire state) where the population is 582,000 people in 98,000 square miles! But you know what? I feel very at home in a small town with hard workers.

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 8: Badlands National Park, SD to Casper, WY

During the Covid lockdown planning, I had fantasies of a day like today on a memory loop. I woke to a cool, crisp morning in my hammock. Then, I made coffee and biscuits and gravy.

Total Miles Driven - 2,195

Today’s Miles - 320

Wednesday, June 1st

During the COVID-19 lockdown planning of this trip, I had fantasies of a day like today on a memory loop. I woke to a cool, crisp morning in my hammock. Then, I made coffee and biscuits and gravy. Well, kind of. I hydrated dehydrated biscuits and gravy, which taste pretty spectacular. After warming up from my hardy breakfast, I hopped on my Vespa and began exploring.

Today’s ride took me through the Badlands National Park, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Black Hills National Forest, and the Thunder Basin National Grasslands. My route unexpectedly included 25-miles of a dirt and gravel road, where I passed only five cars and one road grader. Once I slid my way down the loose path, it was smooth roads across some of America’s greatest scenery.

Here are some of the things I saw…

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 7: Rockwell City, IA to Badlands National Park, SD

Today was dedicated to making up miles and snapping lots of pictures of America’s Heartland. I wasn’t originally planning on driving so much today, but I needed to make up for yesterday’s early stop. I anticipated this stretch being hard and monotonous. Was I ever wrong!

Total Miles Driven - 1,875 miles

Today’s Miles - 435

Tuesday, May 31st

Today was dedicated to making up miles and snapping many pictures of America’s Heartland. I wasn’t originally planning on driving so much today, but I needed to make up for yesterday’s early stop. I anticipated this stretch being hard and monotonous. Was I ever wrong! It was the easiest day of the trip so far because of all the stunning views and wonderful weather. Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota did not disappoint with their gold fields, skies that go on forever, and rolling hills. It was an incredible drive and I feel so privileged to have experienced it. I am amazed by the vastness of our country when you get off the I-95 corridor in the Northeast. All the roads stretched for miles slicing through the landscape with small towns and gas stations vitally placed.

Tonight I am camping at the footsteps of the Badlands National Park in South Dakota. I am going to enjoy a hot shower, campfire, and hopefully a good night’s sleep anticipating tomorrow’s views.

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 6: Galesburg, IL to Rockwell City, IA

Today’s ride was basically 320 miles of me fighting a 20-40 mph crosswind. The winds were only getting worse, so I called it a day 70 miles short of my destination and found a roadside hotel with one room left.

Total Miles Driven - 1,440 miles

Today’s Miles - 320

Monday, May 30th

Today’s ride was basically 320-miles of me fighting a 20-40 mph crosswind. The winds were only getting worse, so I called it a day, 70-miles short of my destination, and found a roadside hotel with one room left. The morning ride was fairly enjoyable, but the afternoon ride was constant work as the winds tried pushing me off the road. I didn’t take very many pictures because the few times I stopped to, I almost got blown over dismounting my bike. That is not how I want this trip to end.

Most of my day was in Iowa. Just like Indiana and Illinois, I was surprised by the enormous farms. However, I saw more rolling green hills and animal pastures in Iowa than I saw in the other two “I” states. I passed through two little towns that were celebrating Memorial Day with ceremonies in the town square. During my ride, I reflected on the women and men who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. I am forever grateful to them and their families.

The picture of me and Maddie is from yesterday, but I’m a proud dad and wanted to make sure everyone saw it.

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 5: New Richmond, OH to Galesburg, IL

Today was the official start to my Vespa venture across America. I chose to leave a day early to get ahead of storms that will be passing over my route in the coming days.

Total Miles Driven - 1,120

Today’s Miles - 430

Sunday, May 29th

Today I rode across Indiana and Illinois on mostly 2 lane highways and unmarked roads. I had no idea how big the farms are through this stretch of the country! They are absolutely massive and are one right after the other. Three-hundred miles of farm, with a small town and a Dollar General every 50-miles. What’s up with Dollar General? They are taking over.

My highlights from the day are:

  1. Seeing my daughter Maddie and my new granddog, Molly.

  2. Getting a cold lemonade from three kids out of school hustling in the farmland streets of Indiana.

  3. Miles of open road! At one point, I went 15-miles without seeing another car on the road.

  4. The fire truck graveyard next to the gas station.

  5. Seeing a house on stilts. It reminded me of The Wizard of Oz, even though I am not in Kansas.

My lowlights from the day are:

  1. The check engine light came on. I remember my dad teaching me that it’s usually the gas tank cap. I reset the cap and so far, so good.

  2. The WIND! Pro-tip. If you drive through hundreds of miles of windmill farms, you are probably going to be getting blown around.

  3. But mostly, it was saying goodbye to my family and missing home.

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 4: Zero Mile Day

I took a day off from riding so I could spend needed time with my family and rest by body. Being my mom’s favorite of three kids, we had a great day of conversation, shopping at REI, and eating hibachi.

Total Miles Driven - 690

Today’s Miles - 4

Saturday, May 28th

I took a day off from riding, so I could spend needed time with my family and rest my body. Being my mom’s favorite of three kids, we had a great day of conversation, shopping at REI, and eating hibachi. After such a heavy week of bad news, it was comforting and encouraging being around my mom.

The next three days will probably be the hardest riding days of my journey. So, I took some time repacking my scooter to make fueling simpler (the gas tank is under the seat). Furthermore, I cleaned my Vespa, checked the tires and fluids, and gassed her up. Hence, the four miles driven today.

Tomorrow will be great! I am pumped about having breakfast with my middle daughter Maddie, and meeting my first grand dog Molly, before hitting the road.

I didn’t take any pictures today, so here is an oldie but goody of me and Mom. Feeling a bit homesick today, I posted one of my favorite family pictures.

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 3: Parkersburg, WV to New Richmond, OH

I left Parkersburg around 9:00 am after a rain storm passed. What should have been a low miles easy riding day across Ohio Route 32 became a rain soaked morning of riding.

Total Miles Driven - 686

Today’s Miles - 180

Friday, May 27th

I left Parkersburg around 9:00 am after a rainstorm passed. What should have been a low mile easy riding day across Ohio Route 32 became a rain soaked morning of riding. This was my first time riding my Vespa at higher speeds in the rain. I feel I weathered it (pun intended) pretty well. Today’s ride gave me more confidence in my riding skills and in my bike.

Ohio 32 is a very familiar road. So, I reminisced a lot during the three and a half-hour trip. I thought a lot about my good friend Mel, who died about a year ago. Mel was more of a grandfather figure to me and my sisters. He was a godly and caring guy. Mel also loved to ride motorcycles in his day. Real motorcycles, not a want to be Vespa. It was him sharing his stories of driving across the country that gave the initial desire to see America on two wheels. Sweet memories of our talks helped pass the time driving through the chilly rain.

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 2: Macungie, PA to Parkersburg, WV

Pennsylvania is a beautiful state! When you don’t take the Turnpike. I’ll confess (sorry PA residents), but I was not looking forward to my drive through Pennsylvania.

Total Miles Driven - 506

Today’s Miles - 405

Thursday, May 26th

Pennsylvania is a beautiful state! That is, if you don’t take the Turnpike. I’ll confess (sorry PA residents), but I was not looking forward to my drive through Pennsylvania. I’ve driven across the Keystone State dozens of times for work or to visit family in Ohio. I have always found it monotonous as I traveled the 100-foot by 360-mile path called the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Furthermore, I’ve found it way overpriced. Being on a glorified motorcycle (Vespa GTS), though, I am taking state routes and the byways as I traverse the country. Many of these more humble roads parallel the interstate highways that cross America, but they offer much better views and  plenty of places to experience quintessential small town USA.

I spent a lot of time in the saddle today and logged many miles. So, I can take downtime with my parents, daughter, and sisters (more so my nieces and nephews) in Ohio before continuing my trip out West. It will also give my body some time to rest. In doing so, I caught myself contemplating whether I should do a U-turn to capture photos of incredible views of Americana. More times than not, I kept driving to meet my miles per hour goal. I think this has a lot to do with my personality. I enjoy reaching the destination, or the goal, more than I do the journey. Many people have asked me, “Why are you driving a Vespa across the country?” In part, it’s been to slow down and enjoy what the day brings. Here’s to hoping I can get better at appreciating what the path has to offer as I journey on.

Note: Several of you left comments, but I accidentally deleted them. Let’s just say I am new at blogging. Sorry.

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 1 (really): New York, NY to Macungie, PA

Today was the official start to my Vespa venture across America. I chose to leave a day early to get ahead of storms that will be passing over my route in the coming days.

Total Miles Driven - 139

Today’s Miles - 101

Wednesday, May 25th

Today was the official start of my Vespa venture across America. I decided to leave a day early to get ahead of storms that will be passing over my route in the coming days. Today’s biggest driving challenge (besides saying goodbye to Jen and Michie) was getting out of NYC right as rush hour began. Once I finally drove out of the metro area, the scenery quickly turned to beautiful rolling hills in Pennsylvania with a winding river that I drove along. It was a welcome stretch of road after two hours of stop and go traffic.

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Steve Canter Steve Canter

Day 1: Midtown to Coney Island (& Back)

Today was the “unofficial” start of slow riding across America on a Vespa. From the first time I imagined the trip, I envisioned it beginning at iconic Coney Island in Brooklyn, NY. So, I got an early start and the bonus is I was able to test and get accustomed to by new 13” wheels and tires.

Total Miles Driven - 38 miles

Today’s Miles - 38

Saturday, May 21st

Today was the “unofficial” start of slow riding across America on a Vespa. From the first time I imagined the trip, I envisioned it beginning at iconic Coney Island in Brooklyn, NY. So, I got an early start and the bonus is I was able to test and get accustomed to by new 13” wheels and tires.

I was expecting a small crowd, but I rolled up on the finish line of the Brooklyn Half Marathon and saw tons of people. It was fun watching friends and family celebrate their loved one's successful completion of the race.

I officially start on Thursday, May 26th.

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