Day 12: Yellowstone National Park, WY to Grand Teton National Park, WY

Total Miles Driven - 2,685

Today’s Miles - 75

Sunday, June 5th

I made it to my planned destination of the Grand Tetons, but was unable to do any real sightseeing because rain settled over the area. It is the cold, soaking rain that won't let up. So, I checked into my cabin early and began drying out my camping equipment that I packed-up wet this morning. I will continue driving south tomorrow into Utah, hoping to get somewhere close to Salt Lake City.

Today has been one of the more mentally discouraging days of the trip. I am processing why I feel disheartened, but I believe it’s a combination of missing home, a cold, and wet ride, and coming down from the excitement of being in Yellowstone. I hope the next few days supplies better weather, cell phone service, and many miles. Oh, and some good memories because that’s why I am slow riding across America on a Vespa.

Bad day and all, God’s glory through nature still delivered!


Day 13: Grand Teton National Park, WY to Salt Lake City, UT


Day 11: Yellowstone National Park Lower Loop