Day 5: New Richmond, OH to Galesburg, IL
Total Miles Driven - 1,120
Today’s Miles - 430
Sunday, May 29th
Today I rode across Indiana and Illinois on mostly 2 lane highways and unmarked roads. I had no idea how big the farms are through this stretch of the country! They are absolutely massive and are one right after the other. Three-hundred miles of farm, with a small town and a Dollar General every 50-miles. What’s up with Dollar General? They are taking over.
My highlights from the day are:
Seeing my daughter Maddie and my new granddog, Molly.
Getting a cold lemonade from three kids out of school hustling in the farmland streets of Indiana.
Miles of open road! At one point, I went 15-miles without seeing another car on the road.
The fire truck graveyard next to the gas station.
Seeing a house on stilts. It reminded me of The Wizard of Oz, even though I am not in Kansas.
My lowlights from the day are:
The check engine light came on. I remember my dad teaching me that it’s usually the gas tank cap. I reset the cap and so far, so good.
The WIND! Pro-tip. If you drive through hundreds of miles of windmill farms, you are probably going to be getting blown around.
But mostly, it was saying goodbye to my family and missing home.